Extracurricular Activities: Which Choices Are Best?

High school students who are absolutely sure they’re college-bound often find themselves not-so-sure about what extracurricular activities to pursue. What will look best on their college application? This is supposedly important because it helps college admission officers understand your personality in a way that grades

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Can You Afford The American Dream?

America is renowned as the land of opportunity. A big part of what’s often been called “the American Dream” has been home ownership. Traditionally that meant working hard and putting away savings for a number of years until you had enough to afford a down

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You Can Benefit From Trade School Philanthropy

In case you’re not familiar with the term, “philanthropy” is a fancy word for charitable giving, especially by ultra-wealthy people. Many billionaires and mega-millionaires contribute sizable sums of money to their favorite charitable causes, which often includes schools and universities they attended. Prestigious universities like

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Smart Devices Need Smart Tradespeople

Homes nowadays have features that enable lights to turn on and off automatically as people enter and exit rooms. You can order Alexis to play your favorite recordings or TV shows. You can program appliances remotely via your cell phone. You can buy a toilet

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Final Apprenticeship Report Is In

On June 15, 2017, President Trump issued E.O. 13801, Expanding Apprenticeships in America, which directed the Secretary of Labor to establish a Task Force on Apprenticeship Expansion to identify strategies and proposals to promote apprenticeships. Apprenticeship programs allow workers to develop occupational skills and receive

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Six Famous People Who Started Out As Apprentices

On your way to becoming a plumber, electrician, or an HVAC technician, you’ll have some specialized, on-the-job training known as an apprenticeship. There are plenty of benefits attached to apprenticeships—including the opportunity to earn a decent salary while you learn, helping you to skip the

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Are You Meant To Be An Entrepreneur?

Take a look at the great startup unicorns out there and it’s easy to see why so many people want to become an entrepreneur. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has become the wealthiest person on the planet, with a net worth of $130 billion.Google says that

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