Is College Really the Only Way to Do It?

Who’s right and who’s wrong? Do a quick search online and you find ample arguments on both sides about the value of a college education. Some say college is overrated and not necessary. Others say you’re unlikely to succeed without a college degree. College is

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No Trade Experience? No Problem

I had a conversation with a young man recently who expressed interest in exploring the plumbing or HVAC trades. He had no experience in those trades, though he was mechanically inclined and always working around the house fixing and building things. But he had a

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What Actually Matters Many Years After College

“Where did you go to school?” asks best-selling author Seth Godin. In a recent blog post, the well-respected marketer suggests that the question really only matters for a short period of time. Godin is known for his super-brief blog posts. He’s “old school” in that

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Trade Labor Shortages Continue To Worsen

Hardly a week goes by when I don’t come across and article like this one reporting on the labor shortage playing out nationwide. In this case, a survey reports that 70% of remodeling contractors are saying they can’t find enough help, especially skilled workers. Many

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Lowe’s the Latest to Address Trade Labor Shortage

A bandwagon is rolling across the country. It’s exemplified by this website and many other organizations that are devoting time, effort and money to address the nationwide shortage of skilled labor. In late February, Lowe’s Companies, Inc., the parent company of the country’s second largest

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