Tools For Christmas
Christmas is almost here and it’s likely some of your loved ones are in a last-minute gift shopping mode. Don’t know what to get for you? Well, skilled trade workers usually are expected to provide their own set of hand tools. You may want to drop hints to loved ones that certain tools make for […]
Student Debt by the Number
For years, this blogger has been telling of the massive burden college students bring upon themselves – or their parents – by borrowing money to attend college. The ballooning expense of college nowadays means borrowing at least $100,000 to finance four years for most students. The average debt will vary quite a bit based on […]
How’s Your Emotional I.Q.?
Different kinds of intelligence are required to succeed in the trades. You need a good mechanical aptitude, of course. You need to be good at math and able to read well enough to understand manuals and other work-related documents. One other type of intelligence is needed to lead you to a successful career in the […]
What If You Have No Good References?
Before they hire you, most employers will ask for references of people you have worked for in the past. They especially would like to know about former supervisors, department heads or company owners. The more prestigious the titles of the people you give as references, the more impressed a potential employer will be. Some of […]
Trade Businesses Are Hot Investments
A couple of days ago, the Wall Street Journal ran a front-page article that is loaded with meaning for people in the trades. It described a trend of private equity investors buying up residential plumbing, HVAC and electrical companies. Some of these investors may have experience in the trades, but others don’t. They simply know […]
Smart Homes Need Smart Technicians
I remember way back as a child visiting some homes that still had iceboxes rather than refrigerators and milk delivered by a milkman. Similarly, I bet many of you reading this grew up in homes without many of the modern conveniences we now take for granted. Many “smart homes” of today are equipped with technology […]
Getting Hired With A Criminal Record
In my last blog I addressed some issues about landing a trade job despite so-called skeletons in your closet. Those bones might include things like DUIs, drug convictions or other misdemeanors. For less serious crimes, job opportunities will be limited in the trades but not completely out of the question. A felony conviction for any […]
Do You Have Skeletons In Your Closet?
Before hiring anyone, most trade employers will do a background check that includes criminal history, driving records and past employment. If they’re diligent, they will also attempt to contact the people you list as references to see what they say about you. If you have a clean background, have never been in significant trouble, and […]
Prepare To Answer These Questions
You’ve filled out your job application. If you fit the role, your would-be employer will ask to meet you for at least one and sometimes multiple face-to-face interview sessions. Whether you are a highly paid executive or a novice seeking to become a trade apprentice, how you handle this part of the process goes a […]
Soar With The Eagles
If and when you enter a trade, you will meet a variety of new people both as co-workers and mentors. As in any occupation, they are likely to be a mixture of personalities and attributes. Some may be hard-working, others not. Some will be outgoing, others introverted, and so on. Some will likely share certain […]