Why Does College Cost So Much?

In my last blog I addressed the phenomenal growth of people attending college. In 1940 only around 5% of Americans held a college degree. Now, the figure is over 35%, and around two-thirds of Americans have attended college at some point. Along the way has come an even more dramatic increase in the cost of […]

Why Do So Many People Go To College?

Many social pressures compel people to go to college whether they want to or not, whether they can afford to or not. This wasn’t always the case. Prior to World War II, less than 5% of American adults held a college degree. Only jobs at the highest professional levels required one. A big change occurred […]

The Parent Trap

In my last blog I pointed out the decline of home ownership in America, caused in part by enormous levels of student debt that are preventing people from saving enough to afford a home, or ruining their credit because they aren’t making student loan payments. Another trend is taking place that’s even sadder. A study by […]

Will You Ever Own A Home?

Home ownership long has been thought of as the height of the American dream. In generations gone by many people worked for many years to save up enough money for a home down payment, and the day they moved in was one of the happiest of their lives. That’s become harder and harder. According to […]

Tools Of The Trade

An experienced eye can spot a master craft worker from a run-of-the-mill mechanic by one simple observation. Pay attention to the quality and condition of his tools. A master craft worker treasures his tools as much as a musician does his instrument or an artist his paints and brushes. As with anything else, you’ll get […]

The Free College Illusion

In the years I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve studiously avoided getting political. Unlike so many others in our hyper-partisan times, I respect everyone’s right to their opinions and am proud to say I have close friends across the political spectrum, ranging from Sandernistas on the left to die-hard Trumpians. I don’t want to use […]

What’s In It For Them?

In my last blog, I pointed out that in many cases no experience is necessary for people looking at a trade career. Many employers, trade service firms in particular, place a higher value on personality than past experience. As long as you have a mechanical aptitude, they can train you in a relatively short time […]

The Trades Via A Back Door

Many people who enter the trades go in through the back door. By that I mean they had no intention of looking for a job in the trades, but a job found them. How does that happen? Well, there is a severe shortage of skilled trade workers and that causes many employers to develop their […]

Let’s Discuss Marijuana

A growing number of states have legalized marijuana for recreational use, in addition to a long list of states that have approved it for medicinal purposes. Even if you don’t indulge, it’s almost certain that you have been around people who do. One poll found that more than half of all Americans have tried marijuana, […]

College vs A Trade: You Can Do Both

Many people in the trades express admiration for the trade apprenticeship programs in Germany and some other European countries. As this article points out, whereas in Germany some 60% of young people train as apprentices in various skilled trades, the comparable number in America is only 5%. That’s a stark difference, yet upon closer examination […]