Be Open to New Ideas

As an old-timer myself, I have a lot of respect for experienced trade workers. The old saying, “practice makes perfect,” applies to many walks of life. I’m sure you’d rather be operated on by a surgeon who has performed a procedure hundreds of times rather than one doing it for the first time. Likewise, most […]

Skipping College

My background as a writer compels me to spend a lot of time on the flip side as a reader. Mornings almost always start out with a two-hour reading session, mostly of news publications. (I’m retired, so I have the time.) More and more, my morning readings come across information detailing the rewards of trade […]

Twitter Wisdom

cell phone

I’m sure most of you have heard of what used to be called “Twitter” (now labeled “X” under Elon Musk’s ownership). It’s a social media entity where people can share opinions/photos/videos about anything under the sun. Some of you may have participated by “tweeting” something along the way. I have a Twitter account that I […]

10 Good Reasons To Explore The Trades

The average cost of a trade education is around $33,000, while acquiring a bachelor’s degree has been pegged at $127,000. What’s more, in many cases a trade education can be had for free through formal and informal apprenticeship training programs. Around 40% of college students drop out before obtaining a degree, often wasting tens of […]

How To Quit Your Job

My last blog gave “10 Tips On Starting A New Job.” I think it’s a good idea to address the flip side. Some of you reading this may already have a job and are looking to leave in order to embark on a career in the plumbing, heating, cooling, or electrical trades. Or, maybe you’re […]

10 Tips for Starting a New Job

Congratulations. You convinced someone to hire you as a trainee. It’s your first day on the job and you know little about what you will be doing. But you want to make a good impression. Here’s how, in 10 simple steps. Be prepared. Learn as much about the company and co-workers as you possibly can. […]

The Skilled Trades Are Surging

A front-page article in the April 2, 2024 edition of the Wall Street Journal addresses a point I’ve made repeatedly in this blog. It describes the growing attraction of trade careers to members of what’s become known as Generation Z, generally defined as those born between 1995 and 2012 – which I suspect includes many […]

Are You Ready For A Career Change?

When the Covid pandemic was raging during 2020-21, an unexpected phenomenon came with it that some labeled the “Great Resignation.” The number of people quitting their jobs in the U.S. reached an all-time high. Partly it was due to government funding that paid many people not to work, and that gave them a chance to […]

Beware Of The Peter Principle

“The Peter Principle” is the title of a book published in 1972 that, in my opinion, is one of the most insightful business books ever. It refers to the fact that many people in the business world tend to be promoted beyond their level of competence. We see it in most types of business, even […]

Mind Your Manners

Politeness is important when it comes to any career, especially the plumbing, heating, cooling, and electrical trades. Many people besides myself have noticed a general decline in good manners in recent times. In the trades or any other job for that matter, manners or lack thereof have a way of leaving an impression.. People are […]