What’s The Difference Between An Internship And An Apprenticeship?

Hands-on training. That’s the benefit of an internship and an apprenticeship—but it’s pretty much where the similarities end. In terms of career benefits, an internship might be expected if you’re college-bound—but there’s seldom any assurance that you’ll be able to use it to guarantee a job. On the other hand, an apprenticeship is almost a […]

The Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Are you in a hurry to finish school? Looking to start making your mark on the world? If you said ‘yes’, then take some advice from the world’s most successful leaders: The learning never stops. Don’t be disappointed by that if you don’t like school or the formality of education. Some of those who have […]

Apprenticeships Get A Boost

Last week President Trump took aim at expanding apprenticeship programs for the manual trades, which has been applauded by the Business Roundtable, consisting of major employers. It’s about time apprenticeship has gotten a boost! Apprenticeship is a training system that dates back more than 500 years when European guilds were formed to pass along knowledge […]

A New Look at Apprenticeships as a Path to the Middle Class

July 21, 2015 By Nelson D. Schwartz From NYTimes.com NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — With its gleaming classrooms, sports teams and even a pep squad, the Apprentice School that serves the enormous Navy shipyard here bears little resemblance to a traditional vocational education program. And that is exactly the point. While the cheerleaders may double as […]

How To Recognize A Good Apprenticeship Program

Is it really training or just cheap labor?   In choosing an apprenticeship program, you have some basic decisions to make. Do you wish to pursue union employment or nonunion? Are you more intrigued by construction or service work? Most union-run apprenticeship programs are renowned for stressing top-notch craftsmanship. However, some may be hard to […]

Apprenticeship In The Service Trades

Most formal apprenticeship programs neglect service work.   In my last article I described traditional apprenticeship programs established by contractors, unions and nonunion companies for the construction trades. Some of the plumbers, electricians and HVAC technicians who fix and maintain those systems in your home may have learned their trade through these apprenticeship programs, but […]

What Is Apprenticeship?

It combines classroom instruction with hands-on work.   Apprenticeship dates back to the Middle Ages in Europe as a way for master craftsmen to pass on their knowledge and techniques to younger generations. The craftsman would employ one or more young people at minimal wages in exchange for teaching them the craft. Typically apprentices would […]

Interns Vs. Apprentices

Working for free is unheard of in the trades.   You may have thought that the Emancipation Proclamation did away with slave labor in this country, but it persists in many office buildings around the country. That’s where thousands of college students spend their summers or evening hours fetching coffee, shuffling papers and doing other […]