What Is HVAC?

If you are a trades worker or even a homeowner, you have undoubtedly heard the term “HVAC.” While you might have known what the acronym stands for (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), you might be slightly less knowledgeable about the ins, outs, and intricacies of HVAC. Keep reading to unearth a crash course on what […]

Job Skills That Transfer To The Trades

I suspect that some of you visitors to this website are victims of Covid-related job losses. Millions of service workers who used to work for bars, restaurants, hotels, retail stores, etc., for the past year have found themselves relying on government handouts or a series of part-time gigs to pay their bills. If you are […]

Find Out If You’re Cut Out For The Trades

In my last blog I wrote about the importance of having an enthusiastic attitude when applying for an entry-level trade position. Change one letter in that word and you’ll discover one more all-important trait any employer will demand. That’s aPtitude. Do you have the mechanical skills required to succeed in a skilled trade? If you […]

100% Effort in the Plumbing Trade

Like many young men in high school, Gabe played sports and hoped that his athletic talent would be his key to a college education. While he didn’t know what his major would be, he was sure of one thing: he had no desire to sit at a desk or spend his days in an office. […]

A Secret To Landing A Job In The Trades

Some of you may never have interviewed for a job. Or, maybe it was a simple session for a low-level, part-time position where the main issues were: Are you willing to work for what we’re willing to pay? And, when can you start? The skilled trades are more than a job. Learning a trade is […]

Trades School Versus Four-Year College, Which Is Right For Me?

Deciding on a career path is a big step in life, and affects what you will be doing for the foreseeable future. When looking at different options to pursue after high school, or even after taking a break from education, it’s important to think about what is best for your life, and what you would […]

What’s In It For Them?

In my last blog, I pointed out that in many cases no experience is necessary for people looking at a trade career. Many employers, trade service firms in particular, place a higher value on personality than past experience. As long as you have a mechanical aptitude, they can train you in a relatively short time […]