100% Effort in the Plumbing Trade

Like many young men in high school, Gabe played sports and hoped that his athletic talent would be his key to a college education. While he didn’t know what his major would be, he was sure of one thing: he had no desire to sit at a desk or spend his days in an office. […]

A Secret To Landing A Job In The Trades

Some of you may never have interviewed for a job. Or, maybe it was a simple session for a low-level, part-time position where the main issues were: Are you willing to work for what we’re willing to pay? And, when can you start? The skilled trades are more than a job. Learning a trade is […]

Trades School Versus Four-Year College, Which Is Right For Me?

Deciding on a career path is a big step in life, and affects what you will be doing for the foreseeable future. When looking at different options to pursue after high school, or even after taking a break from education, it’s important to think about what is best for your life, and what you would […]

What’s In It For Them?

In my last blog, I pointed out that in many cases no experience is necessary for people looking at a trade career. Many employers, trade service firms in particular, place a higher value on personality than past experience. As long as you have a mechanical aptitude, they can train you in a relatively short time […]