Earth Day and The Trades

For the last several decades April 21 has been marked on many calendars as Earth Day, dedicated to environmental protection. Many communities schedule programs and festivities on that date to draw attention to environmental problems and solutions. One problem in particular stands out. If you’re not dead, you’ve probably heard about climate change and the […]
The Trades Protect The Environment

April 22 marks the 50th Anniversary of an annual celebration that has come to be known as Earth Day. On April 22, 1970, some 20 million Americans, about 10% of the population at the time, took to demonstrations on college campuses and the streets in hundreds of cities to protest environmental degradation from oil spills, […]
Plumbing: There’s Nothing Old-School About It!

It’s mostly invisible and we don’t think about it until it stops working, so we might not think that there’s much new in the way of plumbing. But today’s plumbers are discovering that technology is transforming the trades. Plumbing is an entire industry onto itself and parts of it are being revolutionized faster because of […]
Earth Day 2017
April 11, 2017 Something’s missing April 22 has in recent times come into its own as a pseudo-holiday when organizers try to turn the country’s attention to environmental concerns. I’m all for keeping the environment clean – who isn’t? It’s like being for motherhood and apple pie. Yet I take a pass on all the […]
Color Yourself Green
March 7, 2016 The trades are in the forefront of the ecology movement To their credit, young people today are more environmentally conscious than just about any generation in history. They know that the future well-being of our society depends on conserving energy and water resources and avoiding pollution of the air we breathe and […]