Is The Dream Of A College Degree Killing The Dream Of Homeownership?

The high cost of a traditional four-year college degree has created a growing student loan problem. The struggle to pay off this debt after graduating from college has a trickle-down effect that is becoming so evident in certain areas that it’s drawn the attention of the federal government. At the start of 2019, the Federal […]

All In The Approach: Paying Off Student Loans

Did you know that one out of every four adults in the United States is currently paying off their student loan debt? There are more than 44 million Americans who owe a combined $1.5 trillion in student loans. Imagine receiving your college diploma one day, and then getting a statement from a financial institution the […]

Is It Worth It? Calculating The ROI Of A College Education

Ouch. The cost of a college degree can be downright painful to contemplate if you’re thinking of heading in that direction. According to Forbes, tuition and fees at colleges and universities have grown by more than 1,200 percent over the past 30 years. Many students and their parents look at the steep price of a […]

Generation-Z Decides To Skip College Debt

Every generation becomes known by their shared characteristics. One of these traits for GenerationZ is practicality, and it’s why there’s a gradual uptick in interest in vocational schools as opposed to four-year colleges. Gen-Z practicality follows the thought process that success isn’t just measured by how much money you can make with a college degree […]

Generation Z Decides to Skip College Debt

Every generation becomes known by their shared characteristics. One of these traits for Generation Z is practicality, and it’s why there’s a gradual uptick in interest in vocational schools as opposed to four-year colleges. Gen-Z practicality follows the thought process that success isn’t just measured by how much money you can make with a college […]

Student Loans Become Ever More Burdensome

It’s been widely reported that federal student loan debt now totals a staggering $1.5 trillion, give or take a few billion. It’s hard to wrap your head around numbers that large, but within that big amount lay some disturbing trends that spell bad news for the U.S. economy as a whole, and especially for the […]

Why Does College Cost So Much?

In my last blog I addressed the phenomenal growth of people attending college. In 1940 only around 5% of Americans held a college degree. Now, the figure is over 35%, and around two-thirds of Americans have attended college at some point. Along the way has come an even more dramatic increase in the cost of […]

Is Your Student Loan Debt Affected by Where You Live?

Location, location, location. If the real estate industry has taught us anything over the years, it’s that one’s location is the most important of housing considerations. And as it turns out, location might also play a factor in your ability to pay off student loan debt. Student loan debt is working its way into the […]

More Than You Bargained For: Unexpected Student College Expenses

There are three obvious expense categories when considering college: tuition and fees, room and board, and books and supplies. You’ve got to budget for them as you consider the cost of a college degree. Currently, more than 44 million former college students in America owe more than $1.5 trillion in educational debt. And it’s not […]

Student Loan Crisis Worsens

There’s good news and bad news. Since 1970, wages in America have increased 67 percent., but college tuition has grown faster. Many high school students have no choice but to take out student loans. The result is that student loan debt is now the second-highest consumer debt category. According to Forbes, we owe more in […]