The Parent Trap

In my last blog I pointed out the decline of home ownership in America, caused in part by enormous levels of student debt that are preventing people from saving enough to afford a home, or ruining their credit because they aren’t making student loan payments. Another trend is taking place that’s even sadder. A study by […]

Will You Ever Own A Home?

Home ownership long has been thought of as the height of the American dream. In generations gone by many people worked for many years to save up enough money for a home down payment, and the day they moved in was one of the happiest of their lives. That’s become harder and harder. According to […]

The Free College Illusion

In the years I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve studiously avoided getting political. Unlike so many others in our hyper-partisan times, I respect everyone’s right to their opinions and am proud to say I have close friends across the political spectrum, ranging from Sandernistas on the left to die-hard Trumpians. I don’t want to use […]

Student Debt Has Become A Crisis

I’ve written about crippling student debt several times before in this blog. Mostly I’ve tried to draw attention to the skyrocketing cost of a college education and how it can cripple former students financially for the rest of their lives. This article tackles the same subject from a different perspective – about how unpaid student […]

Student Debt: Are You Comfortable With The Consequences?

Sobering statistics: the U.S. Department of Education estimates the cost of a four-year public college averages more than $93,000. If your parents didn’t spend a lifetime saving for it on your behalf, or if you’re not eligible for scholarships, your only option might be to take out student loans. That can put a dark cloud […]

Digging Deeper Into The Real Costs Of A College Education

Is it possible that your salary after college graduation will be enough to allow you to live comfortably while still paying off your student loans? Many young people are asking that as they think about what to do about college costs. A four-year liberal arts degree from a public college can cost more than $93,000. […]

College Students Say They’re Not So Sure the Experience Is Worth It

Considering the staggering cost of a four-year college degree, many young people and their parents are asking themselves if it’s worth going into debt. A recent report from Ascent Student Loans shows that current college students say they’re paying more than they expected for their education. As a result of the higher-than-expected cost – and […]

Is There A Trade School Trade-Off? Yes, But Only Benefits!

It’s college’s “ugly stepsister.” Many students don’t even consider trade schools as a next-step after high school. Even parents register concerns due to completely misplaced ideas and stereotypes about career opportunities after completion. The truth is that trade schools are ideal for some students – especially when the career path they choose to follow includes […]

Student Debts Can Be Forgiven – But With Hidden Time Bombs

In my last blog I warned about how so many college students are prevented from buying homes and establishing families due to the burden imposed by student debt. Here I want to warn against being lured into thinking that various loan forgiveness programs might point the way to easy street. The amount of college student […]

Can You Afford The American Dream?

America is renowned as the land of opportunity. A big part of what’s often been called “the American Dream” has been home ownership. Traditionally that meant working hard and putting away savings for a number of years until you had enough to afford a down payment. I bet that’s how many of your parents bought […]