20 Reasons To Explore The Trades

1. More than one in six skilled tradespeople end up owning their own business and another 20% become partners in a business. 2. 30% of small business owners have no more than a high school diploma. 3. Construction is the most popular profession for people who own their own businesses. 4. The average cost to […]

Explore The Trades Happy Hour Event

Thank you to everyone who attended the Explore The Trades Happy Hour Fundraising event at Super Meeting 2022! This event was a Texas-sized success with the support of both individuals and our corporate sponsors. Our individual donors generously gave over $20,000 and our corporate sponsors gave $35,000 to bridge the technical talent gap to the […]

Cheap Is As Cheap Does

I was at a daughter’s house recently when she talked about an HVAC service firm that a day before had fixed her balky air conditioning system amid the sweltering summer heat. It was a company I recommended to her because I knew the owner and had used their services. My daughter spoke about how pleased […]