Why Gen Z is Ditching College for the Trades

Generation X and Millennials largely agreed on the path to adulthood – graduate high school, attend college, rack up student debt and attempt to pay it off by slaving away at an office job. Increasingly, we’ve seen a different approach among Gen Z. One of the defining Gen Z traits is not settling for the […]
10 Tips for Starting a New Job

Congratulations. You convinced someone to hire you as a trainee. It’s your first day on the job and you know little about what you will be doing. But you want to make a good impression. Here’s how, in 10 simple steps. Be prepared. Learn as much about the company and co-workers as you possibly can. […]
College vs. Trades: Why Not Both?

Some of you may be debating about whether to go to college or embark on a trade career. In fact, it is not an either-or proposition. It’s not unheard of for college students or even graduates to find out they like working with tools better than whatever white-collar job their education landed them. It happens […]
How To Promote Trades Work in High School

We tell high school students time and time again: they have their entire lives in front of them. They indeed have the time to wander and explore if they so choose. Some will continue their education in college while others are not as sure about what their next pursuit will be after graduation. This makes […]
A Guide to Trade School: What Parents Should Know

As your child begins thinking about their future, odds are they’re starting to make decisions about their career path. Attending a four-year university after high school isn’t the only option your child has. There’s a considerable need for a skilled labor force, and a four-year degree is not the only path that leads to success […]
10 Reasons To Consider A Trade Career

A huge demand exists for people in the trades, especially the skilled trades like HVAC, electrical, plumbing, etc. Almost every trade employer cites a shortage of workers as one of the main problems facing the business. Pay scales are high and going up. The Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS)show average wages of between $50,000-$60,000 for all […]
Bad Driving Is A Killer – Of Careers Too
In recent years road signs have popped up warning against texting while driving. This has become an epidemic among young people in particular. I know many of you reading this are teens and twenty-somethings. To you, I want to say … STOP IT! TEXTING WHILE DRIVING IS MONUMENTALLY STUPID! End of rant. What’s this have […]
The Power of Positive Thinking
April 25, 2017 Are you a grouchy person, always complaining about something? If so, please stay away from me. Not just me. Nobody likes to hang around with a grouch. The Power of Positive Thinking was a best-selling book from the 1960s that is still on sale. Its title pretty much describes what the book […]
Are You Job-Ready? – Part 4
December 6, 2016 Act like a professional This will be my final blog on the subject of job readiness. The topic is professionalism. What does professionalism mean? One dictionary defines it as “the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.” That’s a […]
Are You Job-Ready? – Part 3
November 29, 2016 You must get along with people Some professions are typically characterized as a “people business.” Certainly anyone who sells for a living falls into that category. Public relations, politics and other fields also require advanced social skills on the part of their practitioners. Yet to my way of thinking virtually every way […]