Not Sure About A Career Path? A Mentor Can Help

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you’re about to finish high school and you’re still unclear about a career choice. It’s a tough decision – especially with the constant changes in the world. Will a steady job in a particular industry be a sure thing 15, 10 or even five years down the […]

What You Should Know About Your First Bank Account

Preparing for life after high school means getting ready to handle bills and financial obligations. It usually means you’re moving away from home to be closer to your next level of education – but even if you’re staying at home, you’ll have to manage finances in a more sophisticated fashion. You’ll need the services of […]

Free Career Advice & Assistance That Many High School Students Missed

Thanks to TV and the movies, the average high school guidance counselor has been cast as the seldom helpful adult who’s supposed to assist you in preparing for life after graduation. In real life, they’re highly trained professionals who have the ability to solve all sorts of school-related puzzles that go far beyond academics. A […]

Extracurricular Activities: Which Choices Are Best?

High school students who are absolutely sure they’re college-bound often find themselves not-so-sure about what extracurricular activities to pursue. What will look best on their college application? This is supposedly important because it helps college admission officers understand your personality in a way that grades and test scores cannot define. Do you have to play […]

How To Figure Out What You’re Interested In

Here’s some insight. Depending on your browser and Google search settings, you can start typing and Google will suggest search topics based on what it sees. If you start typing in, “how to figure out what…” Google automatically suggests you may be searching results for “how to figure out what you’re interested in.” Which means […]

I’m Not Sure What I Want To Do For A Living: Tips On Career Decisions

How did they do it? How did Barack Obama figure out he wanted to be the president of the United States one day? What helped Elon Musk decided to become an entrepreneur? Is there a course to take, or a book to read, about how to decide on a career? Don’t be concerned if you’re […]

Are You “Cut Out” For A Trade?

I composed that headline with a sense of bitter irony. Most high-school counselors and a good portion of the general public tend to think that the only people entering the trades are those “not cut out for college.” Put more bluntly, they think college is for smart kids while the worst students gravitate toward the […]

Bad Driving Is A Killer – Of Careers Too

In recent years road signs have popped up warning against texting while driving. This has become an epidemic among young people in particular. I know many of you reading this are teens and twenty-somethings. To you, I want to say … STOP IT! TEXTING WHILE DRIVING IS MONUMENTALLY STUPID! End of rant. What’s this have […]

The Power of Positive Thinking

April 25, 2017 Are you a grouchy person, always complaining about something? If so, please stay away from me. Not just me. Nobody likes to hang around with a grouch. The Power of Positive Thinking was a best-selling book from the 1960s that is still on sale. Its title pretty much describes what the book […]

Are You Job-Ready? – Part 4

December 6, 2016 Act like a professional This will be my final blog on the subject of job readiness. The topic is professionalism. What does professionalism mean? One dictionary defines it as “the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.” That’s a […]