A group of people smiling and shaking hands.

Make A Good Impression On Your First Day

Congratulations! You’ve convinced someone to hire you as a trade apprentice. You don’t know anybody there except for the person(s) who interviewed you and your stomach is churning. You know next to nothing about the job you’re about to start but fear that if you mess up your desired career may be over before it begins.

It’s natural to be nervous your first day on a job. People who say they were not probably are lying. Here are some tips to help you settle in gracefully.

First, take some time to prepare the day or night before. Figure out what clothes you are going to wear. Make sure they are clean and nothing violates a company policy. Even if you saw other employees wearing shorts and t-shirts, dress up a little better. Review any materials that were handed out to you and make sure you understand all the policies and procedures.

Don’t arrive on time, instead plan on getting there at least 10-15 minutes EARLY, allowing for unexpected traffic delays. One of the worst first impressions you can make is arriving late your first day on the job.

Pay attention and soak up as much information as possible. A lot of new information will be tossed at you. Listen more than talk. Ask questions about anything you don’t completely understand and take notes, either with a pen and notebook or on a smart phone.

Try to establish relationships with your co-workers. Ask them questions about themselves, nothing too personal, but things like how long they’ve worked there, how they approach certain tasks, nearby places for lunch. To some extent this will depend on how they react to you. Some may be friendly in response, some more reserved. If they don’t welcome you with open arms, don’t take it personally. Maybe they just feel awkward around a stranger, or maybe they are troubled by something going on at work or in their personal lives. Some people will take more time to get to know.

My final piece of advice is that all of the above apply beyond the first day. It will take many days, maybe weeks before you truly feel a part of the organization that hired you. Just continue to be prepared, be prompt, pay attention and be friendly. Things will then fall in place.

Ready to get started in your career in the trades? Visit our website to learn more!