
Every generation becomes known by their shared characteristics. One of these traits for Generation Z is practicality, and it’s why there’s a gradual uptick in interest in vocational schools as opposed to four-year colleges. Gen-Z practicality follows the thought process that success isn’t just...

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It’s both interesting and frustrating. When it comes to language, seldom is there just one and only one word to describe something. It’s why some of us say we have a job, while others say it’s a career, and yet a different group might refer to it as a vocation. These three terms generally mean...

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It was never much of a secret. People just weren’t paying attention. There are tens of thousands of current job openings for positions that can pay you more than workers whose jobs require a bachelor’s degree. If you don’t want to sit all day at a desk in front of a computer and the idea […]

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In my last blog I addressed the phenomenal growth of people attending college. In 1940 only around 5% of Americans held a college degree. Now, the figure is over 35%, and around two-thirds of Americans have attended college at some point. Along the way has come an even more dramatic increase in the cost...

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Location, location, location. If the real estate industry has taught us anything over the years, it’s that one’s location is the most important of housing considerations. And as it turns out, location might also play a factor in your ability to pay off student loan debt. Student loan debt is working...

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There’s good news and bad news. Since 1970, wages in America have increased 67 percent., but college tuition has grown faster. Many high school students have no choice but to take out student loans. The result is that student loan debt is now the second-highest consumer debt category. According to...

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Many social pressures compel people to go to college whether they want to or not, whether they can afford to or not. This wasn’t always the case. Prior to World War II, less than 5% of American adults held a college degree. Only jobs at the highest professional levels required one. A big change occurred...

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In my last blog, I pointed out that in many cases no experience is necessary for people looking at a trade career. Many employers, trade service firms in particular, place a higher value on personality than past experience. As long as you have a mechanical aptitude, they can train you in a relatively...

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Many people in the trades express admiration for the trade apprenticeship programs in Germany and some other European countries. As this article points out, whereas in Germany some 60% of young people train as apprentices in various skilled trades, the comparable number in America is only 5%. That’s...

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