The Physical Demands Of Trade Work

I won’t kid you, in general trade work is not as easy on the body as working behind a desk. If you cherish life as a coach potato, then the trades are not for you. Some jobs are more demanding than others. Construction jobs typically

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New Year Resolutions

It’s that time of year when so many people resolve to lose weight, stop smoking, eat healthier and so on. These are all worthy agendas. For those of you who aspire to become skilled trade workers – or are thinking of doing so – I

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Student Debt Has Become A Crisis

I’ve written about crippling student debt several times before in this blog. Mostly I’ve tried to draw attention to the skyrocketing cost of a college education and how it can cripple former students financially for the rest of their lives. This article tackles the same

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Student Debt: Are You Comfortable With The Consequences?

Sobering statistics: the U.S. Department of Education estimates the cost of a four-year public college averages more than $93,000. If your parents didn’t spend a lifetime saving for it on your behalf, or if you’re not eligible for scholarships, your only option might be to

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The Top Benefits You Need To Know About Apprenticeships

Certain careers – like those in the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC industries – have highly specific educational requirements that just aren’t met with a traditional four-year college degree. These are high-paying jobs that are more suited for an alternative approach. Apprenticeship programs have been a

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Soft Skills: They’re More Valuable Than A Degree

Stop for a moment and consider this: You can get a four-year college degree and still not have the skills that will land you a job in your chosen field. It doesn’t matter what industry. Employers are scrambling to find people who can demonstrate competence

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Top Five College Majors

For the last 35 years, the Princeton Review has been in business to help high school students get into their dream colleges. It’s safe to say that they have insight into the most popular college majors their high school-age clients are choosing. What’s interesting is

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