What’s Your Passion?

A long time ago, I taught essay writing at the University of Illinois in Chicago, my alma mater. Like other instructors, I held office hours for individual student consultations. One day I was meeting with a young man who was the worst student in my

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The Skills Of A Skilled Trade

I keep throwing around the term “skilled trades,” and some of you might be thinking: don’t all jobs require skills? To some extent that’s true. But some skills can be acquired pretty easily. The working world is filled with jobs that can be learned well

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Your Passion: Find It…Or Develop It?

If you’re on the brink of adulthood, you’re probably hearing a lot of people say that you’ll know what you want to do for a living when you “find your passion.” It turns out they might have this just a bit wrong. They’ve got the

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Not Sure About A Career Path? A Mentor Can Help

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you’re about to finish high school and you’re still unclear about a career choice. It’s a tough decision – especially with the constant changes in the world. Will a steady job in a particular industry be a

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What You Should Know About Your First Bank Account

Preparing for life after high school means getting ready to handle bills and financial obligations. It usually means you’re moving away from home to be closer to your next level of education – but even if you’re staying at home, you’ll have to manage finances

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Five People You Know Who Didn’t Go to College

The sad fact about college is that the valuable degree you can earn at the end of four years can put you deep in debt. What’s more, getting a college education doesn’t guarantee that there’ll be a job waiting for you when you graduate. Some

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Extracurricular Activities: Which Choices Are Best?

High school students who are absolutely sure they’re college-bound often find themselves not-so-sure about what extracurricular activities to pursue. What will look best on their college application? This is supposedly important because it helps college admission officers understand your personality in a way that grades

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