College Costs Blow My Mind

Way back close to the Stone Age, I financed my own way through college. As a military veteran, I was assisted by a monthly stipend of $170 a month from the G.I. Bill, coupled with free tuition thanks to my veteran’s status at a state school. Even so, I was self-supporting and still had to […]

Trade Scholarships Are Waiting For You

In these blogs I’ve hammered home how expensive college is these days and cautioned about the burdens of student loan debt. Trade schools are much less expensive than college, but a good one may still set you back thousands of dollars a year. Even modest tuition payments may be a struggle for some of you. […]

Trade Work Is Brain Work

You often hear homeowners complain about a trade worker who charged them a lot of money for a taskthat might have taken only a few minutes. What they need to realize is that they aren’t paying for the act of turning a wrench or screwdriver. They are paying someone with specialized knowledge of which nut […]

Housing & The Trades

The housing market is one of the most important sectors of the American economy, both in terms of newly built houses and renovation or repair of existing homes. Most estimates place housing at between 15-18% of overall GDP – i.e., Gross Domestic Product, or the total value of all goods and services produced in our […]

Avoid The Clash Of Generations

One of the reasons it’s such a good time to enter a skilled trade is because the existing work force is rapidly aging. The average trade worker Is over 50 years old and approaching retirement. Employers are desperate to recruit enough replacements.   That’s the good news for young people entering the trades. The bad […]

Start Building Your References

Most employers, whether in the trades or any other field, will likely ask job applicants for references. These would be people who are familiar with your work at past jobs and/or who will testify about your character. Nobody wants to hire someone who’s lazy, a bumbler or troublemaker. A reference gives employers a third-party glimpse […]

Keep Your Eyes Peeled For Recruitment Bonuses

That’s what some skilled trade employers have resorted to in trying to resolve severe staffing shortages in construction and some service sectors. This article describes efforts by construction companies in Canada to offer cash rewards not only to workers, but also to anyone who successfully refers a skilled trade worker to them. Some employers are […]

What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

Don’t feel bad if you don’t know the answer to that question. I didn’t figure it out until well into my 20s. Some people take even longer. Some people are known to switch careers in their 30s or 40s. Since you’re reading this, you are at least thinking about the direction you might go. Obviously, […]

IAQ Spells Opportunity

Before air conditioning became widespread in American homes, a common way to cool off was simply to open windows to a breeze. Insulation was an afterthought in many homes and buildings, so people generally fought off the coldest days by wearing sweaters indoors. Fuel prices have skyrocketed since those times, which is why we live […]

The Blossoming of Service Work

I first began observing and writing about the trades more than 40 years ago. Changes during that span have been dramatic, encompassing many new technologies, tools and techniques. This is especially true for residential service firms – the companies you call to fix or install mechanical and electrical systems in your homes. When I first […]