Twitter Wisdom
I’m sure most of you have heard of what used to be called “Twitter” (now labeled “X” under Elon Musk’s ownership). It’s a social media entity where people can share opinions/photos/videos about anything under the sun. Some of you may have participated by “tweeting” something along the way. I have a Twitter account that I […]
Trades Talk – June 2024
June 2024 Recipients of the“Explore The Trades Skills Lab, Built by Ferguson”Grants Announced12 Schools to Receive Support to Create and UpdatePlumbing & HVAC Labs The “Explore The Trades Skills Lab, Built by Ferguson” equipment grant recipients were announced on May 1, 2024, in celebration of National Skilled Trades Day. In its third year, the Skills […]
How To Quit Your Job
My last blog gave “10 Tips On Starting A New Job.” I think it’s a good idea to address the flip side. Some of you reading this may already have a job and are looking to leave in order to embark on a career in the plumbing, heating, cooling, or electrical trades. Or, maybe you’re […]
Three Ways You Can Support the Next Generation of Skilled Workers
The struggle to attract young people to the skilled trades has been well-documented. We need to work together to ensure we have the people needed to offer these crucial services. Few industries offer the career stability and progression that the trades can provide. Additionally, skilled workers can choose to work for a company or lean […]
10 Tips for Starting a New Job
Congratulations. You convinced someone to hire you as a trainee. It’s your first day on the job and you know little about what you will be doing. But you want to make a good impression. Here’s how, in 10 simple steps. Be prepared. Learn as much about the company and co-workers as you possibly can. […]
Beware Of The Peter Principle
“The Peter Principle” is the title of a book published in 1972 that, in my opinion, is one of the most insightful business books ever. It refers to the fact that many people in the business world tend to be promoted beyond their level of competence. We see it in most types of business, even […]
Mind Your Manners
Politeness is important when it comes to any career, especially the plumbing, heating, cooling, and electrical trades. Many people besides myself have noticed a general decline in good manners in recent times. In the trades or any other job for that matter, manners or lack thereof have a way of leaving an impression.. People are […]
Trade Work Is Brain Work
You often hear homeowners complain about a trade worker who charged them a lot of money for a taskthat might have taken only a few minutes. What they need to realize is that they aren’t paying for the act of turning a wrench or screwdriver. They are paying someone with specialized knowledge of which nut […]
Trade School Experiences: What A Career in the Trades is Like, from an Experienced Electrician
What Are Electrician Jobs Like? Trade school may sound like a pipeline to new construction or maintenance electrical work, but the truth is that trade school can open your life to many new opportunities after graduation. While new construction and maintenance are the bread and butter of the industry, there is a whole host of […]
The Blossoming of Service Work
I first began observing and writing about the trades more than 40 years ago. Changes during that span have been dramatic, encompassing many new technologies, tools and techniques. This is especially true for residential service firms – the companies you call to fix or install mechanical and electrical systems in your homes. When I first […]