Proven Strategies for Training Apprentices

As every trades professional knows, an apprenticeship is one of the most pivotal components of a plumbing, HVAC, or electrical career. During this time, apprentices acquire the skills, experience, and knowledge to be able to add value to their team and help clients solve real problems. For each apprentice, it’s an undoubtedly life-changing experience. For […]

Great Trades Careers That Welcome Diverse Professional Backgrounds

Many men and women who work in the trades have interesting stories to tell — not just because they’ve seen a lot of interesting things on the job, but because they each have unique and diverse backgrounds. The nature of plumbing, electrical and HVAC work allows for people with all professional backgrounds and experiences to […]

What No One Tells You About Life After High School

Graduating from high school is a great accomplishment. You worked hard, so take it all in; you deserve it. Preparing for life or a career can be scary, but there are paths you can take that you may not know about. Read on to find out how you can successfully transition from high school graduate […]

Challenging Depictions of Blue-Collar Workers in Media

There’s a strange irony to the fact that when people watch classist depictions of blue-collar workers on their TVs or movie theatre screens, they’re only able to do so because skilled workers with a keen understanding of the science of electricity made it possible. The amenities of elite homes, like heated floors and smart HVAC […]

The Necessity of Improving HVAC Infrastructure

When you hear the word “infrastructure,” you probably think of roads, bridges, railways, and ports. Maybe you even think of bills in Congress. However, infrastructure, in a broad sense, refers to the basic underlying framework of a system. One of the most important systems in any home, office building, venue, or public gathering place is […]

Preparing Your Home for Winter with HVAC

As you may know, and as we’ve written before, the importance of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system in a home cannot be overstated. Responsible for the quality, temperature, and distribution of all the air in the building, a well-functioning HVAC system is one of the most important keys in a healthy and […]

Why Trades Jobs Are Reliably Secure Professions

There are few jobs that offer more security than those in the trades. The trades offer high-demand, sustainable, and fulfilling work that has been proven to beat recessions and market downturns. Here is why the trades are some of the most secure professions out there, and why you should consider bolstering your career by pursuing […]

Bringing Back Blue-Collar Pride

There is a modern misconception that the “ideal” career path is one that involves an expensive education, a strenuous corporate climb, and thousands of hours in an office with a boardroom as the ultimate destination. In reality, careers like this can entail tens of thousands of dollars in debt, lack of fulfillment, and burnout. The […]

What Is HVAC?

If you are a trades worker or even a homeowner, you have undoubtedly heard the term “HVAC.” While you might have known what the acronym stands for (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), you might be slightly less knowledgeable about the ins, outs, and intricacies of HVAC. Keep reading to unearth a crash course on what […]

What Does It Take To Start A Career In The Trades?

Working in the trades is a rewarding experience. You closely interact with customers, playing both technical and customer service roles. You are also able to set flexible hours, and you aren’t stuck sitting behind a desk for the rest of your life. If this sounds like the lifestyle and work culture you are looking for, […]