The Skilled Labor Shortage By The Numbers

A common theme addressed in this blog is the nationwide shortage of skilled trade workers and the opportunities that spring from it for people who do opt for a career in the trades. Hardly a week passes when I don’t come across some startling information

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How’s Your B.S. Detector?

I want to keep this blog family-friendly, so I won’t spell out what B.S. stands for. Anyway, it’s unnecessary since you all know what it means. (No, I’m not referring to a Bachelor of Science college degree.) The ability to detect B.S. is one of

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Are You a People Person

There is a spectrum of personality types that can be thought of with “introverts” at one end vs. “extraverts” at the other. Introverts tend to be shy and hesitant to strike up conversations, especially with strangers. Extraverts are outgoing, “life of the party” types. They

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Why Trades Jobs Are Reliably Secure Professions

There are few jobs that offer more security than those in the trades. The trades offer high-demand, sustainable, and fulfilling work that has been proven to beat recessions and market downturns. Here is why the trades are some of the most secure professions out there,

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Would You Relocate for a Job?

This blog exists to detail the advantages of a skilled trade career and point readers in the right direction to get started on one. Yet, this writer has done some soul searching and realized that the opportunities may not be universal. Even though there is

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Bringing Back Blue-Collar Pride

There is a modern misconception that the “ideal” career path is one that involves an expensive education, a strenuous corporate climb, and thousands of hours in an office with a boardroom as the ultimate destination. In reality, careers like this can entail tens of thousands

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National Signing Day for The Trades

College football and basketball fans pay attention to those sports’ annual National Signing Day when collegiate powerhouses compete to enroll the nation’s most highly rated athletes. Although not all recruits live up to their potential, many go on to become the sport’s brightest stars at

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A Blue-Collar Hero

If you don’t know who Mike Rowe is, it’s time you learned. He is one of the most interesting people around and a prominent cheerleader for tradespeople and other blue-collar workers. You may have seen him hosting the Discovery Channel’s series titled “Dirty Jobs,” which

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