STEM is Plumbing

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are the essential building blocks of careers that cross industries and impact our daily lives in different ways. STEM is the foundation of technical careers that advances the next generation of a skilled workforce. STEM is the skilled trades

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STEM is HVAC (Heating and Cooling) Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are the essential building blocks of careers that cross industries and impact our daily lives in different ways. STEM is the foundation of technical careers that advances the next generation of a skilled

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STEM is Electrical

STEM and the Skilled Trades Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are the essential building blocks of careers that cross industries and impact our daily lives in different ways. STEM is the foundation of technical careers that advances the next generation of a skilled workforce.

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Equal Pay For Equal Work

The headline reflects a goal that has served as a rallying cry for feminists. Various studies show a large discrepancy in pay scales for women versus men for similar types of jobs, but I recently came across an article that opened my eyes. According to

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The Trades Protect The Environment

April 22 marks the 50th Anniversary of an annual celebration that has come to be known as Earth Day. On April 22, 1970, some 20 million Americans, about 10% of the population at the time, took to demonstrations on college campuses and the streets in

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The Trades in High School

A growing number of high school students aren’t waiting until they graduate to start training for a career. You’ve probably heard all about high school advanced placement courses that let you earn college credits before actually being enrolled. Now, it’s becoming easier to find entire

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DOL Boosts Apprenticeship By $100 Million

Recent news caught my eye that has large meaning for the trades. On February 18, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded nearly $100 million to 28 public-private apprenticeship partnerships to support the large-scale expansion of apprenticeships through the federal government’s Apprenticeship: Closing the Skills Gap

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