Why Are Today’s College Graduates So Stupid?

I had a grandfather who never made it past third grade. But he read a newspaper every day and could carry on intelligent conversation about current events. He wrote me letters when I was serving in the U.S. Army. He didn’t know any fancy words

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Connecting With A Career You Will Love

Yes, you are supposed to love what you do for a living. You’re going to spend about eight hours a day doing it, so it makes sense to be sure you’ve made a wise choice. Is every minute of a good job going to be

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Student Loans Become Ever More Burdensome

It’s been widely reported that federal student loan debt now totals a staggering $1.5 trillion, give or take a few billion. It’s hard to wrap your head around numbers that large, but within that big amount lay some disturbing trends that spell bad news for

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Why Does College Cost So Much?

In my last blog I addressed the phenomenal growth of people attending college. In 1940 only around 5% of Americans held a college degree. Now, the figure is over 35%, and around two-thirds of Americans have attended college at some point. Along the way has

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Is Your Student Loan Debt Affected by Where You Live?

Location, location, location. If the real estate industry has taught us anything over the years, it’s that one’s location is the most important of housing considerations. And as it turns out, location might also play a factor in your ability to pay off student loan

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