Where Today’s Youth Are Discovering the Trades

young people discover the trades

Gen Z has gotten a bad rap. Older generations have bemoaned what they view as a lackluster work ethic and an obsession with going viral. While it’s true that Gen Z grew up immersed in social media, they are shedding the “lazy” reputation their elders have saddled them with. For the skilled trades, it couldn’t […]

Starting From Square 1: Building a Career in the Trades

While starting fresh with a trades career may sound challenging, the payoff can be immense. Jessica Bannister, an HVAC professional, spent over 10 years behind a desk before beginning her apprenticeship in 2018. Jessica grew up thinking the trades weren’t an option for women like her, and is much more happy and fulfilled after making […]

Trades Talk – December 2023

December 2023 Thank You for Your Support on Giving Tuesday! Thank you to all our donors who supported our #TradesTuesday campaign for Giving Tuesday! A total of $4,027.80 was raised by 15 donors. Help us continue making a difference by making a donation before the end of the year and be a part of creating […]

It’s National Apprenticeship Week

I’m submitting this article on Nov. 15, the second day of what’s been declared the 8th Annual National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), November 14-20, 2022. If it’s not marked on your calendar, you’re hardly alone. I didn’t learn about it until a few days before, when I found out First Lady Jill Biden was to visit […]

College is Cool, But Have You Tried Avoiding Debt?

One of the biggest moments in a student’s life is when they graduate high school. This event kicks off the start of a new era, where opportunities are endless and you can choose your career path. Many students go through high school preparing for college, and many high schools and institutions intentionally prepare and lead […]

How Much Does it Cost to Go to Technical School

For many high school students, figuring out what the next step after graduation is can be challenging. Traditionally, going to a four-year college has been seen as the default option for students. Whether they are looking to get their undergraduate degree or going further towards master’s or doctorate, many high school students have their minds […]

Proven Strategies for Training Apprentices

As every trades professional knows, an apprenticeship is one of the most pivotal components of a plumbing, HVAC, or electrical career. During this time, apprentices acquire the skills, experience, and knowledge to be able to add value to their team and help clients solve real problems. For each apprentice, it’s an undoubtedly life-changing experience. For […]

Give Your Parents A Christmas Gift That Lasts

Your Mom and/or Dad are special people. They have sacrificed many personal interests and spent a lot of hard-earned money to raise you, and in many cases are still supporting you with a place to live and food to eat. Some of you with money to spend are looking to reciprocate a little of their […]

DOL Boosts Apprenticeship By $100 Million

Recent news caught my eye that has large meaning for the trades. On February 18, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded nearly $100 million to 28 public-private apprenticeship partnerships to support the large-scale expansion of apprenticeships through the federal government’s Apprenticeship: Closing the Skills Gap grant program.   These grants reflect a renewed awareness of […]

The College Slump: Why Attendance is No Longer Growing

It was an amazing growth streak. Colleges and universities in the United States had steady and solid growth in attendance figures for an amazing 375 years. According to information assembled by the Wall Street Journal the number of students who attended college has risen from only thousands back in 1636 – the year Harvard opened […]