Are You Ready For A Career Change?

When the Covid pandemic was raging during 2020-21, an unexpected phenomenon came with it that some labeled the “Great Resignation.” The number of people quitting their jobs in the U.S. reached an all-time high. Partly it was due to government funding that paid many people not to work, and that gave them a chance to […]

How To Sell Yourself

You may not think of yourself this way, but no matter what you do for a living, at various times you will have to be a salesperson. You may or may not ever be charged with selling products or services, but at the very least you will have to sell yourself and your talents. You […]

College vs. Trades: Why Not Both?

Some of you may be debating about whether to go to college or embark on a trade career. In fact, it is not an either-or proposition. It’s not unheard of for college students or even graduates to find out they like working with tools better than whatever white-collar job their education landed them. It happens […]

Housing & The Trades

The housing market is one of the most important sectors of the American economy, both in terms of newly built houses and renovation or repair of existing homes. Most estimates place housing at between 15-18% of overall GDP – i.e., Gross Domestic Product, or the total value of all goods and services produced in our […]

Trades Talk – October 2023

October 2023 “Explore The Trades Skills Lab, Built by Ferguson” InitiativeApplications Now Open! Since 2021, over 1,100 students at 14 schools throughout the United States have started their trades education through the Skills Lab initiative. Explore The Trades and Ferguson are thrilled to continue this partnership for its third year. Both middle schools and high […]

Start Building Your References

Most employers, whether in the trades or any other field, will likely ask job applicants for references. These would be people who are familiar with your work at past jobs and/or who will testify about your character. Nobody wants to hire someone who’s lazy, a bumbler or troublemaker. A reference gives employers a third-party glimpse […]

Keep Your Eyes Peeled For Recruitment Bonuses

That’s what some skilled trade employers have resorted to in trying to resolve severe staffing shortages in construction and some service sectors. This article describes efforts by construction companies in Canada to offer cash rewards not only to workers, but also to anyone who successfully refers a skilled trade worker to them. Some employers are […]

What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

Don’t feel bad if you don’t know the answer to that question. I didn’t figure it out until well into my 20s. Some people take even longer. Some people are known to switch careers in their 30s or 40s. Since you’re reading this, you are at least thinking about the direction you might go. Obviously, […]

The Blossoming of Service Work

I first began observing and writing about the trades more than 40 years ago. Changes during that span have been dramatic, encompassing many new technologies, tools and techniques. This is especially true for residential service firms – the companies you call to fix or install mechanical and electrical systems in your homes. When I first […]

College Degrees Continue To Lose Their Luster

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal caught my attention. It described laws enacted in 10 states during the past year to do away with the requirement of a college degree for government jobs. Georgia, Florida, Colorado, Maryland, New Jersey, North Caroline, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Utah and Virginia now are able to fill state […]