Is Your Student Loan Debt Affected by Where You Live?

Location, location, location. If the real estate industry has taught us anything over the years, it’s that one’s location is the most important of housing considerations. And as it turns out, location might also play a factor in your ability to pay off student loan

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Student Loan Crisis Worsens

There’s good news and bad news. Since 1970, wages in America have increased 67 percent., but college tuition has grown faster. Many high school students have no choice but to take out student loans. The result is that student loan debt is now the second-highest

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Why Do So Many People Go To College?

Many social pressures compel people to go to college whether they want to or not, whether they can afford to or not. This wasn’t always the case. Prior to World War II, less than 5% of American adults held a college degree. Only jobs at

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The Parent Trap

In my last blog I pointed out the decline of home ownership in America, caused in part by enormous levels of student debt that are preventing people from saving enough to afford a home, or ruining their credit because they aren’t making student loan payments. Another

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Will You Ever Own A Home?

Home ownership long has been thought of as the height of the American dream. In generations gone by many people worked for many years to save up enough money for a home down payment, and the day they moved in was one of the happiest

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Tools Of The Trade

An experienced eye can spot a master craft worker from a run-of-the-mill mechanic by one simple observation. Pay attention to the quality and condition of his tools. A master craft worker treasures his tools as much as a musician does his instrument or an artist

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The Free College Illusion

In the years I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve studiously avoided getting political. Unlike so many others in our hyper-partisan times, I respect everyone’s right to their opinions and am proud to say I have close friends across the political spectrum, ranging from Sandernistas on

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