Skilled Trade Workers Are Out Of This World

I was about to submit a different insight for this month’s first blog, but during my daily online reading, an article about the importance of skilled workers as we enter a new phase of space exploration caught my eye. “ … Many different launch and crew vehicles, private space facilities, and other types of hardware […]

Construction Workforce Shortage Tops Half A Million

The construction industry will need to attract an estimated 546,000 additional workers on top of the normal pace of hiring in 2023 to meet the demand for labor, according to the Associated Builders and Contractors, a construction industry trade association. “As the demand for construction services remains high, filling these roles with skilled craft professionals […]

How Safe Are The Trades?

I’m sure most of you understand that the trades entail rugged working conditions with more hazards than you’ll find at a desk job. The good news is that deaths and injuries are steadily diminishing. A big reason is that insurance companies lead the way in compelling jobsite safety. It is in their interest to pay […]

What Is HVAC?

If you are a trades worker or even a homeowner, you have undoubtedly heard the term “HVAC.” While you might have known what the acronym stands for (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), you might be slightly less knowledgeable about the ins, outs, and intricacies of HVAC. Keep reading to unearth a crash course on what […]

100% Effort in the Plumbing Trade

Like many young men in high school, Gabe played sports and hoped that his athletic talent would be his key to a college education. While he didn’t know what his major would be, he was sure of one thing: he had no desire to sit at a desk or spend his days in an office. […]

Blue Collar Wealth – No Longer Once in a “Blue-Moon”

Guest Blog post from Lineman Central. The best financial advisors will tell you that the creation of wealth creates discipline, planning and hard work. What if there was a career path that provided above average pay while also instilling those interpersonal values and virtues? That is exactly what the trades are well-suited for. When asked […]

What Does It Take To Start A Career In The Trades?

Working in the trades is a rewarding experience. You closely interact with customers, playing both technical and customer service roles. You are also able to set flexible hours, and you aren’t stuck sitting behind a desk for the rest of your life. If this sounds like the lifestyle and work culture you are looking for, […]

A Dire Forecast of Trade Worker Shortage

Think our lives have been disrupted by Covid? We’re living in Paradise compared with life without enough skilled trade workers to build and maintain the mechanical systems our modern world depends on. Do you really want to go back to a time when wood stoves were the only way to keep warm in winter and […]

Start Reading Trade Publications

Virtually every skilled trade is targeted with at least one and usually more than one publication aimed at that particular audience. The best part is that most, though not all, of these magazines, newspapers and newsletters are FREE! They have what’s known as qualified circulation, supported entirely by advertisers with an interest in reaching a […]

True Grit

One of the reasons why trade workers are in short supply is because the trades have a reputation as being “gritty” work. The word gritty in this context gets interpreted as hard and dirty. I won’t sugarcoat it. To some extent, this is true. Trade work does involve more physical effort than desk jobs, and […]