College is Cool, But Have You Tried Avoiding Debt?

One of the biggest moments in a student’s life is when they graduate high school. This event kicks off the start of a new era, where opportunities are endless and you can choose your career path. Many students go through high school preparing for college, and many high schools and institutions intentionally prepare and lead […]

How Much Does it Cost to Go to Technical School

For many high school students, figuring out what the next step after graduation is can be challenging. Traditionally, going to a four-year college has been seen as the default option for students. Whether they are looking to get their undergraduate degree or going further towards master’s or doctorate, many high school students have their minds […]

A Guide to Trade School: What Parents Should Know

As your child begins thinking about their future, odds are they’re starting to make decisions about their career path. Attending a four-year university after high school isn’t the only option your child has. There’s a considerable need for a skilled labor force, and a four-year degree is not the only path that leads to success […]

How’s Your B.S. Detector?

I want to keep this blog family-friendly, so I won’t spell out what B.S. stands for. Anyway, it’s unnecessary since you all know what it means. (No, I’m not referring to a Bachelor of Science college degree.) The ability to detect B.S. is one of the handiest skills to have as you go through life. […]

Give Your Parents A Christmas Gift That Lasts

Your Mom and/or Dad are special people. They have sacrificed many personal interests and spent a lot of hard-earned money to raise you, and in many cases are still supporting you with a place to live and food to eat. Some of you with money to spend are looking to reciprocate a little of their […]

The Joy Of Parenthood & Beyond

I write this as the proud father of two grown daughters and absolutely giddy grandfather of four impossibly charming granddaughters, ranging in age from 6 to 15. (Any mistakes I make can be attributed to inhaling too many estrogen molecules. It was worse when our household also included two female cats, now deceased.)  Like me, most people who […]

Reason #6 Why College Is A Lousy Deal

My past five blogs have explained why I think college is not a good idea for many of you reading this. A short summary of those reasons are: 1. The market for college graduates is saturated. 2. Grade inflation has diminished the quality of a college degree. 3. College education has morphed into indoctrination. 4. […]

Reason #5 Why College Is A Lousy Deal

This reason escapes a lot of peoples’ notice. Most folks make a distinction between college and vocational education. They think of them as separate entities, i.e., higher education versus learning a trade. Even worse is the widespread conviction among the general public and high school advisory counselors that college is for smart kids while the […]

Reason #3 Why College Is A Lousy Deal

In my last blog, I identified grade inflation as Reason #2 why a college degree doesn’t mean what it used to. I explained that grade inflation started with the anti-Vietnam War movement of the 1960s, when college students were exempt from the military draft and sympathetic professors inflated grades to keep their students from flunking […]

Reason #2 Why College Is A Lousy Deal

A college degree doesn’t mean what it used to. In my last blog I explained that one reason is because so many people have college degrees nowadays (33% of American adults, vs. just 5% in 1940). As a result, some 37% of recent college graduates are working in jobs that don’t require a college degree. […]