How’s Your B.S. Detector?

I want to keep this blog family-friendly, so I won’t spell out what B.S. stands for. Anyway, it’s unnecessary since you all know what it means. (No, I’m not referring to a Bachelor of Science college degree.) The ability to detect B.S. is one of the handiest skills to have as you go through life. […]

Are You a People Person

There is a spectrum of personality types that can be thought of with “introverts” at one end vs. “extraverts” at the other. Introverts tend to be shy and hesitant to strike up conversations, especially with strangers. Extraverts are outgoing, “life of the party” types. They are often labeled as “people persons.” Jobs that entail sales […]

Would You Relocate for a Job?

This blog exists to detail the advantages of a skilled trade career and point readers in the right direction to get started on one. Yet, this writer has done some soul searching and realized that the opportunities may not be universal. Even though there is a severe shortage of skilled trade workers nationwide, some rural […]

National Signing Day for The Trades

College football and basketball fans pay attention to those sports’ annual National Signing Day when collegiate powerhouses compete to enroll the nation’s most highly rated athletes. Although not all recruits live up to their potential, many go on to become the sport’s brightest stars at the collegiate and NFL/NBA levels. Skills USA, a nonprofit organization […]

A Blue-Collar Hero

If you don’t know who Mike Rowe is, it’s time you learned. He is one of the most interesting people around and a prominent cheerleader for tradespeople and other blue-collar workers. You may have seen him hosting the Discovery Channel’s series titled “Dirty Jobs,” which as the name suggests found him filming dozens of episodes […]

How Safe Are The Trades?

I’m sure most of you understand that the trades entail rugged working conditions with more hazards than you’ll find at a desk job. The good news is that deaths and injuries are steadily diminishing. A big reason is that insurance companies lead the way in compelling jobsite safety. It is in their interest to pay […]

The Deepest Shade Of Blue Collar

A recurring theme of this blog is how attractive the skilled mechanical-electrical trades are compared with many white-collar jobs that require a college education. This time I’ll compare those trades with other skilled blue-collar careers that typically offer decent pay and benefits. One of these is driving a truck. Truck drivers earn an average annual […]

Signs Of The Times

Almost a year and a half into the Covid pandemic, trends are starting to shape up that reveal vast and probably lasting changes to our society and culture. One of the most pronounced of these trends is that many citizens have spent much more time inside their homes than normal. This was due to enforced […]

Tips for Switching Careers

In my last blog I pointed out that many of the traits common to workers in various service industries are similar to what many trade employers require. I’m going to continue on the subject with some ways to go about switching careers for those of you so inclined. First and foremost, you don’t want to […]

Job Skills That Transfer To The Trades

I suspect that some of you visitors to this website are victims of Covid-related job losses. Millions of service workers who used to work for bars, restaurants, hotels, retail stores, etc., for the past year have found themselves relying on government handouts or a series of part-time gigs to pay their bills. If you are […]